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Please read the below in full before entering the Paddock
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact Anabelle Denford at +447748955533 All staff must read and agree to this document before entering the paddock.
The paddock access is reserved for F1 in Schools students, teachers and accompanying adults ONLY.
Never promise paddock access to anyone - this privilege can be revoked at any time and is an added bonus for students attending a race.
Follow Instructions: Remind all guests that your instructions must be followed.
Use Designated Passes: Use named VIP and Media passes only if you are the designated pass holder with the matching photograph.
Accompany Rotational VIP Passes: Ensure that Rotational VIP passes are accompanied by a named VIP or Media pass holder when entering or exiting the paddock.
Supervise Rotational VIP Passes: Keep Rotational VIP passes under the supervision of F1 in Schools staff at all times – do not let Paddock guests freely roam.
Stay on Paddock Thoroughfare: Maintain to the main paddock thoroughfare – do not enter F1 hospitality or garage areas unless invited by the team.
Affix Media Stickers: Media Pass holders should read affix media stickers to official DSRL cameras and phones of Media pass holders.
Ensure Compliance: Inform and ensure that all pass holders in the paddock comply with the rules and guidelines; everyone is accountable for their actions.
Respect Autograph / Selfie Opportunities: Getting autographs and photographs is fine for guests, but they should read the situation. If the driver/celebrity is open to signing, it's okay. If they are rushing to a race session or media interview, step away.
Be Prepared for Emergencies: Check the evacuation scenario and follow security advice. Get to a place of safety or the designated meeting point. Ask security if you need to find out where this is.
Photography and Filming: Guests and those without media passes can use phone cameras in the paddock for photographs only - but only take photos in the main paddock area. Please request permission if in any other areas and no photos should be taken in garages if you are given access (unless exceptions are made).
Do not:
Don't Leave Passes Unattended: Do not leave Rotational VIP passes unattended at any time.
Don't Enter Restricted Areas: Do not enter restricted areas or garages without an invitation.
Photography and Filming: Do not under any circumstance sell or licence images or video content taken in the paddock.
Avoid Unauthorized Access: Do not attempt to access hospitality areas without an invitation.
Obtain Proper Authorization: Do not attempt to enter the paddock without proper authorization.
No Running: No running in the paddock, guests should stay with their host.
Never remove passes in the paddock: Passes must be worn at all times. Entry gates have facial recognition and are highly monitored by F1 and security teams.
Avoid Selfies: If you are an F1 in Schools staff member, do not take selfies with F1 personnel, drivers or media.
Additional Guidelines:
Stay Together: Always keep Rotational pass holders in your company when in the paddock.
Safety Awareness: Alert paddock guests to the inherent risks and dangers of automobile motor racing; they enter the paddock at their own risk and should be vigilant.
Follow Authorized Routes: Follow the main thoroughfare and do not enter unauthorized areas.
Check Pitlane Walk Schedule: Inquire with security staff about the pitlane walk schedule and entry/exit routes.
Pass Holder Eligibility: Remember that Rotational passes are intended strictly for students and teachers / accompanying adults only.
Professional Conduct: Remember that the F1 paddock is your office, and you represent the brand as an F1 in Schools staff member. Act professionally and avoid behaving as "fans" but rather as "F1 staff." Avoid taking selfies with F1 personnel or drivers.
Food and Beverage Options: Be aware that food and beverage options in the paddock may be limited, but surrounding areas will have alternatives.
Enjoy your time in the paddock and thank you for your cooperation!